

Dharshan Jayasinghe, BA ’03, has been elected to a two-year term as president of the UB Alumni Association, a group that represents the interests of more than 280,000 graduates around the world.


两家公司都扩展了市场份额,以支持15个州的客户,并于2019年,三合会医疗保健招聘招聘致力于建立UB的Ascend Triad Healthcare招聘奖学金。

JayaSinghe成功地加上了Gary Jastrzab,Ba'76,就像董事会主席一样。Jastrzab将继续向董事会服务于过去的总统。

Other officers elected for the 2020-22 term are:

总统选民:Joseph Stefko,Phd '03,Ma '99,Ba '97,Penfield,N.Y.ROC2025总裁兼首席执行官。

金融副总裁Brendan P. Brady,MBA '02,果园公园,保证服务,Dopkins和Company LLP总监。

过去总统代表Joseph P. Lojacono,MBA'80,BS'79,Amhmark of Amhmark Associates LLC。

Also newly elected to the board are:

华盛顿州华盛顿州华盛顿州埃里克Cortellessa,Ba '14,华盛顿月刊。

Carolyn Farrell,威廉姆斯维尔(Williamsville)的BS'71 Ms'84,卫生保健遗传学顾问和遗传辅导员。

Larry Mathews,BS'69,Buffalo,LU工程师高级工程师。

Jay Nisberg,Ba '68,西兰海滩,佛罗里达州西棕榈滩。杰伊·尼斯格&Associates Ltd.总裁

Mary Szabat,Ba'91,威廉姆斯维尔,副总裁,关键银行副总裁。