

The University at Buffalo is the first New York State public university to be invited to join the prestigious Association of American Universities and was elected to membership in 1989. to UB’s membership in the AAU advances the university’s success in securing federal research funds and attracting and retaining top faculty and students. UB’s research enterprise and academic programs directly benefit the Western New York community.


  • AAU倡导科学研究的稳定和持续资金。在UB,这意味着延续和加速的重要,改变和转型研究,燃料新的想法,新技术和区域经济,健康和国家安全依赖的新思路。
  • AAU继续鼓励国会支持重要的筹资举措,如佩尔赠款奖和联邦学生援助方案,为低收入和中等收入学生提供赠款和工作研究,并帮助风险学生进入,并留在大学。
  • AAU支持,鼓励和劳动为UB等成员大学,以维持对科学,技术,工程和数学(Stew)研究生教育的强大联邦承诺,这对于准备下一代科学家和工程师至关重要。